The Chiropractor
Dr. Nate Rankin
Nate has always had a passion and drive for all things health related, and he has always been involved in sports and athletics from a young age. He was introduced to Chiropractic after many traumatic rugby injuries, which led him to research the body and healing further, after trying almost everything and continually getting injured and knowing innately something wasn’t right he thankfully met Dr Webb in Missouri, in 2015. Dr Webb loved rugby and chiropractic so much that he offered adjustments to Nate and the rest of the university rugby team. Dr Webb helped correct his subluxations and he finally felt and got a lot better despite feeling hopeless before. He would not have been able to play rugby as long as he did after his traumatic neck injury and still be as healthy as he is today without Chiropractic adjustments. He currently and regularly trains Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) which is a contact sport and he attributes the luxury and privilege of being able to do so to Chiropractic. Nate studied and graduated as a Chiropractor at the Anglo European Chiropractic College (AECC) in 2022 and established Innate Chiropractic in late 2022.
Nate acquired many injuries while on a rugby scholarship in America from 2012 to 2016, of which 3 had surgeries performed on them. One of particular mention is his neck injury in 2014 where he jumped up to catch a rugby ball and unfortunately landed on his neck, the trauma caused a 10 min seizure, and the nerves to be be impinged upon and therefore his breathing stopped and eventually his heart stopped too, thankfully he was resuscitated just before the defibrillation machine was used, at this time he suffered from a major concussion. His major subluxation is in his neck and by correcting his subluxation at that level he is now functioning as optimally as possible and enjoying quality of life by allowing innate to be expressed fully.
After graduating from college in the US with a degree in Physical Education and minors in Strength and Conditioning and Health and Wellness. Nate worked as a personal trainer for 5 years, where he continued to developed his understanding and education of all things health related. Nate is now working as a chiropractor and is extremely passionate about the results and the feedback he gets from them. Since he comes from a sporting background and one that caused many injuries Nate is empathetic and has experienced how debilitating and life changing injuries are and the importance of excellent chiropractic care that can really make a difference to quality of life. Nate takes part in many sports and activities regularly, he also loves learning and reading anything and everything about Ch
Chiropractic was founded in 1895 when DD Palmer who was a magnetic healer, had a janitor named Harvey Lillard who came in mentioning that he lost his hearing as he was bending down to pick something up and reported that he felt a pop in his back and at the same time as his back injury he lost most of his hearing. Upon hearing this DD Palmer observed a vertebrae (one of the bones in spine) displaced and protruding, so he adjusted the bone by force of hand back into place and in doing that Harvey Lillard reported that his hearing was back and he could hear the clock tick and the cars outside. So, with this experience DD Palmer thought he had the cure to hearing so he advertised and claimed to have a cure for hearing. Many deaf people came and DD palmer did not successfully cure everyones hearing problems but what he did notice was that when he put the vertebrae bones of the spine back into place his patients were reporting all sorts of problems and ailments getting better such as asthma, heart palpitations, migraines, pain ect. It was at this point DD Palmer knew just how big his discovery was and by putting the Greek words cheir and praxis together, meaning when combined, done by hand.