Innate Chiropractic Techniques
Dr Clarence Gonstead got rheumatoid arthritis, and was helped by a Chiropractor so much that he later went on to become one, after attending school and working as an engineer he saved up enough money ton to go to Chiropractic school. He not only became a Chiropractor but he became one of the best with his mechanical mind and logical approach he saw the human body and spine in a very structural manner. He was fond of the x-ray and used it in his assessment to locate and list the problem. He also used a nervoscope to find and detect nerve interference and to assure that he was removing nerve interference via ultra sensitive heat detection. Innate Chiropractic uses the nervoscope in practice to assure a better quality of chiropractic for their patients.
Sacro Occipital Technique
Was created by Dr Major Betrant DeJarnette. Recognising the effects on the cerebro spinal fluid (CSF) and balancing relationship between the sacrum and the occiput. He suffered from back pain and studied to become an Osteopath. As an osteopath he gained some relief in his back but his back pain was still very present until he made friends with a Chiropractor who explained the Chiropractic philosophy, and adjusted him which helped relieve him of his back pain completely. He signed up to become a Chiropractor graduated and created the Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT). The SOT technique uniquely categorises patients into 3 categories and uses blocks on the pelvis to gently adjust the body back into health, along with very holistic and complex assessments.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic
Was founded and developed by none other that the son of D.D. Palmer (founder of Chiropractic), BJ Palmer the developer of chiropractic. The technique is also known as the Hole In One (HIO) technique. It focuses on the alignment of the fist two vertebrae bones called Atlas (C1) and Axis (C2). When there is a misalignment in the upper cervical (C1-C2) it puts pressure on the brain, brain stem, the cranial nerves, and spinal cord, which can have devastating and systemic consequences. A misalignment of the upper cervical causing pressure on nerves is linked to things such as migraines, vertigo, TMJ, dizzyness, fatigue, allergies, and vision problems.
Straight Chiropractic
Was popularised by Dr Reggie Gold, who was very philosophically based in his approach to Chiropractic. Straight chiropractic refers to focusing on the vertebral subluxation (displaced bone in the spine causing nerve interference) which reduces the flow of innate intelligence (life) within the body. Straight chiropractic acknowledges that the body heals itself and works to remove any interfernce in the way of it doing so. It would also have a vitalistic way of looking at the body in that no part works in isolation and instead the body functions as an intricate whole.